Even some on the Left are noticing Sarah Palin induced lunacy. Lee Stranahan picks up on some of the symptoms but ignores the disease:
Yeah, because Howard Dean saying the idea that 9/11 was an inside job was worthwhile considering wasn't crazy or anything.
Still, noticing that the Left is becoming an ugly, ugly group this election cycle is something.
Stranahan continues:
True, its not effective, and it probably isn't an accurate reflection of the Democratic party as a whole.
However, it has Barack Obama and "progressives" written all over it.
1) You have this attempt to smear Palin and her entire family,
2) You have Obama's attempt to silence political speech he didn't like,
3) You have the view of "progressives" that anyone voting for McCain is a racist,
4) You have the Obama camp saying that McCain himself "probably" isn't a racist,
5) You have self styled "progressives" attempting to shut down bloggers they disagree with, even when they are fellow Democrats,
6) You have "progressive" journalists saying McCain is a racist.
No, nothing to see here.
The election hasn't even been won yet and there's already a liberal hubris developing. Progressive standard bearers such as DailyKos and Keith Olbermann have been showing signs lately of a nasty tendency towards stifling dissenting opinions and promoting the sort of crazy rumors usually associated with the right then the reality based community.
Yeah, because Howard Dean saying the idea that 9/11 was an inside job was worthwhile considering wasn't crazy or anything.
Still, noticing that the Left is becoming an ugly, ugly group this election cycle is something.
Stranahan continues:
It's not effective, it's not progressive, and it's not a good or accurate reflection on Barack Obama or the Democratic party.
True, its not effective, and it probably isn't an accurate reflection of the Democratic party as a whole.
However, it has Barack Obama and "progressives" written all over it.
1) You have this attempt to smear Palin and her entire family,
2) You have Obama's attempt to silence political speech he didn't like,
3) You have the view of "progressives" that anyone voting for McCain is a racist,
4) You have the Obama camp saying that McCain himself "probably" isn't a racist,
5) You have self styled "progressives" attempting to shut down bloggers they disagree with, even when they are fellow Democrats,
6) You have "progressive" journalists saying McCain is a racist.
No, nothing to see here.
And of course Obama would have nothing to do with people like those posters at the Daily Kos!

Absolutely nothing I say! What are you going to believe? Your own eyes?
I can very much sympathize with your feelings about this campaign season. You must also acknowledge that the McCain campaign has accused Barack Obama of being the Manchurian Candidate and the Anti-Christ. The right-wing hubris is on over-drive in heaping mountains of negativity on Barack Obama. So I really do understand how you feel.
However to think that Obama is so powerful that he can have your Blogger account locked up is being a bit paranoid.
If Sarah Palin and John McCain had handled Bristol's situation in a dignified manner this topic would have been laid to rest on Friday. It should have been part of the family bio and the American public would have applauded the family unity. Now the announcement only comes because of rumors flying around the internet. It didn't have to be that way.
But don't spin this off on the Obama campaign. They have nothing to do with this. It was bad judgment by John McCain and Sarah Palin that allowed this rumor mill to develop.
And also don't cast pejorative comments on the "Left." The "Right" is many times as wrong as well. There is enough mud slinging going around to get everyone dirty in any campaign.
How sympathetically the right considers Rush Limbaugh when he plays songs such as "I'm dreaming of a white riot" and "Barack the magic negro." Or of Anne Coulter when she wrongly insinuates that Obama is a Muslim and that Mohammad was a man of violence.
Are there lunatics on the right? Of course there are. But go to Hot Air, or Michelle Malkin, or QandO, and find me the posts claiming Obama is the anti-Christ.
The Manchurian Candidate theme has been played against McCain routinely on the left (after all McCain was a POW...which you kinda need to be to be a real Manchurian candidate.)
Also, the rumor was NOT that Palin had a teenage daughter who was pregnant. The rumor was that Palin husband had fathered the child with his daughter, and Sarah Palin had covered it up by pretending to be pregnant herself. You can try to sell yourself on the idea that that sort of thing is OK, but most people are going to find it to be despicable.
As for Limbaugh or Coulter you can search this site to see how much play they get here.
Its not like I'm cherry picking here. The DK is supposedly the voice of this generation of "progressives." Judging from the numbers of prominent Democrats who grace the place with their presence can you say that isn't true?
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