Tuesday, September 09, 2008

New Democratic Meme: Palin Can't Be VP Because She Is Believing Christian

Or at least not the right kind of Christian.

It's a heartwarming vision of America:

"What's that, little Emma, you'd like to grow up to be President one day? Oh, I'm so sorry, but you can't be President! You are not a Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Episcopal, or liberal Catholic. No. You are only good for breeding and cooking...or being a tramp. Maybe all three."

Are Democrats really that confused about why they are going to lose this election?


Here's First Things' take:

At Salon.com, Juan Cole asks what the differences between Christian fundamentalists, like Sarah Palin, and Islamic fundamentalists are? Lipstick is the answer he finds. That she’s not wearing a burka or having her daughter flogged and stoned for adultery might be another.

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