Monday, January 31, 2005

Evidently You Cannot Be Both A Methodist AND A Republican

Just when you thought you'd seen everything, some Methodists are attempting to kick George Bush and Dick Cheney out of their church. Their crimes? Well the war in Iraq, obviously, and their blantant Republicanism.

Such as:

From pushing for drilling in ANWAR to deregulating polluting industries and cutting funding for toxic waste cleanup, the Bush administration has consistently been an anti-environment administration. These policies show their level of care for God's creation.


I) Population. ...People have the duty to consider the impact on the total world community of their decisions regarding childbearing and should have access to information and appropriate means to limit their fertility, including voluntary sterilization.

George W. Bush has vetoed Federal funding directed toward family planning in third world countries, saying that the funding is used to support the killing of infants in China. His claim is false.


Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress have cut funding for social programs that guarantee these rights and diverted it toward war and huge tax cuts for corporations and the super-wealthy.


The Bush administration, through the Patriot Act, has violated the constitutional freedoms of persons residing in the U.S., making it easier for the government to spy on and intimidate any opponents of this administration and its policies. Furthermore, the Bush administration has encouraged a climate in which any rightful opponents to their illegal and heinous actions are labeled as "unpatriotic" or "anti-American". This climate has also lead to the harassment and torture of prisoners of war, sometimes consisting of physical and sexual abuse.


Bush and Cheney, when campaigning for office, claimed that they would support education, but while they have been in office, funding for education has declined as a direct result of their irresponsible tax cuts for the super-wealthy, making it much more difficult for poorer people to receive quality educations. They also support the use of education vouchers, which The United Methodist Church is against.

Isn't it amazing how the most valued tenets of Methodism conform EXACTLY with the Democratic Party platform?! What an amazing coincidence! How lucky "real" Methodists are to have a political party that perfectly encapusaltes their religious priciples!! Additionally, how lucky they are that the opposition party's platform is exactly contradictory to Christ in every particular! No need to spend time thinking!! Just call them the Methocrats!

Oh, as well we are informed by these good people that,

There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, except those used by the United States.

So see?!? Bush and Cheney have been using biological and chemical weapons against the people of Iraq. The Monsters! We know its true because these Methocrats said so!! Are we so sure that Bush and Cheney are not feasting on the flesh of babies as well???

(If you will forgive me a little blasphemy.) Jesus Christ! What a load of crapola!

You know, there was a lot of media coverage about some Catholic Bishops having a beef with John Kerry over his many un-Catholic political positions, and a lot of condemnation came down on the Bishop's head for getting involved in politics. (Although, to be fair, the question of wether Kerry should have been recieving communion or not is a matter for the Catholic Church and not the Democratic party or Republican party or the media.) To my knowledge no Bishop came out and said John Kerry should be excommunicated.

Here we have a clear-cut case of someone wanting to remove the President and Vice-President from their church because they do not like their politics. (How liberal!) I'm certain that this attempt to impose a Methodist Sharia law will go relatively unnoticed.

Well, at least they have no shame.

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