Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Europe Finally Notices the Islamofacists

Lots of interesting information in this Tony Blankey op/ed: Europe to the barricades

This Christmastime could be the moment when Western Europe finally joins our war on terrorism. Anti-Islamist fear and anger from the mouths of the European volk is breaking through the surface calm perpetuated by the elite European appeasers. The assassination and mutilation of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh by an Islamic fanatic — and the retaliatory firebombings of mosques by ethnic Dutchmen — have forced high European leaders and news outlets to begin to publicly face up to the implications of September 11, 2001 and the migration of Muslims in large and hostile numbers into the heart of Europe.

I suppose it's better late than never, but I can't help noticing that the Islamofacists weren't considered such a problem in Europe when their targets remained Jewish.

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