Thursday, November 18, 2004

Can't The Idiocy Stop? Just for me, Please?

There are certain "causes" I just can't abide by, and "Amend For Arnold" qualifies as one of those. (In case its new to you, they want to amend the Constitution to allow foreign born persons, hmm I wonder who?, to be president.) It is a bad joke. If you go to their web site you will not find a single attempt to offer an intellectual justification for changing the Constitution, instead you are offered the Cult of Personality that is Arnold Schwarzenegger. I'll give it a miss, thank you kindly.

It boggles my mind. You emigrate to this country and you can do everything any native born citizen can do. You can be a Senator or a Supreme Court Justice or even, God forbid, Governor of a large but evidently clueless state. But you cannot be President, although your US born children can. I really don't have a problem with that. Yes, I'm just that nativist.

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