Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pauperizing America: Part Two

Bonnie Erbe sees this as the rebirth of the Republican party:

Yes, too many Americans (unfortunately, in my view) want nationalized healthcare. Yes, they want Social Security to be made fiscally sound. But do they want Daddy Government to reach this far into their beloved 401(k) retirement plans and wreak fiscal havoc? Methinks not.

Puh-leeze, just how stupid do Democrats think each one of us is? I can see it now, President Obama and the "tax and spenders" in Congress will seize victory and turn it immediately into disaster by raising taxes, reinstating the inheritance tax, and nationalizing healthcare. (OK, I won't call it "socialized" healthcare.) Thereby they will catapult middle-income Americans and independent voters into a speed run back into the GOP camp—a re-creation of the so-called Reagan Democrats of the 1980s. Didn't they learn from their congressional losses in 1994? Didn't they learn from having to swallow eight years of the most incompetent White House governance we've ever seen (George W., that is.) Apparently not. In fact, apparently not at all.

The Democrats zeal for power will be their undoing. And it will be sickening to see all those dolts who complained about the Patriot Act (while being unable to point to a single instance of its misuse), who will sit back and applaud while the Democrats attempt to get their greedy little paws on the billions hard working Americans have managed to save for their retirement.

The most amazing thing is they are so drunk with the prospect of success next Tuesday that they don't even bother to hide it anymore.

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