Thursday, May 10, 2007

"To These Aged Eyes, Boy, That's What Winning Looks Like"

Here is the DK take:

Bush is too stubborn and too removed from reality to recognize the damage hanging on to his pal Fredo is doing to his administration.

Oh I don't know. I'm not sure how much political capital this administration has anyway, and as this second term winds down there will be less chance to spend it in any event. This battle over the AG is a symbolic affair, an attempt to put an exclamation point upon the President's weaknesses. And despite all the pressure that was brought to bear, and despite the attempts of Slate to melt my scientific calculator, Gonzalez is still sitting as his desk.

It ain't much of a victory, but the President won this one.

Which brought to mind this exchange from Lion In Winter:

Henry: It's been most satisfactory.

Phillip: What's so satisfactory?

Henry: Winning is. I did just win. Surely you noticed.

I'm pretty sure the DK never will notice.

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