Friday, December 10, 2004

The Great Blog Rush

Being the new kid on the block is never easy. The blogging world isn't any different. Getting the word about your great new blog isn't gonna happen easily. (Unless you are a new blogger who also works for the MSM. I always thought blogging was primarily an avenue for alternative voices, but maybe that's changing.) That is why I've started The Great Blog Rush. If you have a new (6 months old or less) politics or current events blog just email me at: giving me the name of your blog and your email address. Once a week I will send out an email with the new Blogs to be added to a seperate Great Blog Rush blog roll you will set up on your site. The goal will be to get a nice Blog roll of Great Blog Rush participants. And while you are at it make sure to register your blog on the TTLB Ecosystem.

Welcome to the Great Blog Rush of 2004!

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