It is amazing what crapola anti-human humans like "super genius" Wiley here can throw out there with a straight face.
Let's recap the wisdom:
A) "Global Warming?? No one ever said anything about Global Warming?? No one ever said the planet would warm even during the winters. No one ever claimed the polar ice caps would go away. And even if we did say those things what we really meant was..."
B) "Climate Change! Yeah, that's the ticket. Because, as everybody knows, climate never naturally changes but remains constant for all time unless evil human beings buy SUV's."
C) "Now, of course when we say 'climate never changes' we mean it changes all the time, otherwise we never could have had those ice ages in the past. But there is 'climate change' and then there is 'climate change' if you catch our drift. What's the difference? Well, evil human beings silly!"
D) "Oh, what is the scientific difference? Well, see, the thing is, um... that's uh... Oh, I got it! Its complicated! Yeah, that works. That's suitably scientific, right?"
E) "So, to sum up our coherent and well thought out theories; Human beings are bad, and are making the world colder when the world cools, and hotter when it warms. See how neatly it all fits together?"
F) "O.K. Now give me $500 billion as an act of contrition. Then I will have plenty of cash to jet off to Bali to lament how awful we human being are over tropical drinks."
G) "If you don't you are irredeemably evil and other measures must be contemplated."
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