Sunday, August 31, 2008

Michael Kinsley: Sexist; Elitest

The criticism of Gov. Palin has generally ranged from incoherent to hysterical, but Michael Kinsley takes the cake: No Experience Necessary

In a famous example of ideological flexibility, the American Communist Party changed its mind completely about Adolf Hitler in 1939, when he signed a deal with Stalin. Previously, they hadn't cared for him much. Suddenly, he looked pretty good. Then two years later, when Hitler ratted on the deal and invaded the Soviet Union, the Communists changed their minds again. Both times, it took only days.

But now, thanks to the Internet, the same kind of conversion can take place in hours or even minutes. And although it's hard to find many Communists around these days, we happen to have just the party for the job.

It seems like just yesterday that the Republican Party was complaining about Barack Obama's lack of foreign-policy "experience." As a matter of fact, as I write (on Friday, Aug. 29) it actually was just yesterday. Even now, the Republican National Committee's main anti-Obama website has the witty address The contrast in experience, especially foreign-policy experience, between McCain and Obama was supposed to be the central focus of McCain's campaign.

But that's so five minutes ago, before Sarah Palin.

Yeah, right.

For starters who has more political experience Obama or Palin?


Illinois State Senator, 1997-2004
U.S. Senator, 2005-present


City Council Member, 1992-1996
Mayor of Wasilla, AK, 1996-2006
President of Alaska Conference of Mayors
Governor of Alaska, 2007-present

This is the elitest part of Kinsley's "argument." Obviously, if you are from Alaska you are some sort of hick and politics there doesn't count as real "experience." Hell, people actually own guns and hunt up there! Palin is probably a "clinger," while Obama is a dazzling urbanite where being a "community organizer" actually means something. (What it means no one seems to know...but it was obviously very important, as it somehow proves Obama's mettle to be President.)

The sexist part of Kinsley's argument is summed up with the question, "Would Kinsley have said the same thing were Palin a man?" The answer is "no" because Kinsley didn't say anything of the sort the last time someone as politically inexperienced was put on a national ticket. It isn't remembered but John Edwards had only held political office, of any kind, for less than one term as a Senator when he was put on the ticket. Kinsley didn't say word one about how Edwards lacked experience.

Gee, what could the reason be?

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