Friday, December 14, 2007

The Right Blogosphere Sure Doesn't Like Huckabee...

...and maybe with good reason.

I haven't said much about the presidential candidates so far. I've been thinking about them more as a political scientist rather than someone looking for a campaign to support. I've felt Huckabee comes off pretty well on television, especially in one-on-one interviews, compared to the rest of the GOP field. Sure, it is form over substance, but that is just what political scientists do.

However, the more I learn the more it seems Huckabee has less to offer substance wise than any other GOP candidate...Ron Paul included.

That would make three GOP candidates I will have deemed unacceptable: Huckabee, Paul and McCain. (I think McCain is lukewarm on the First Amendment, which makes him a non-starter in my book.)

As for the rest? Well, let's just say no one thrills me.

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