Monday, April 30, 2007

From The "I Couldn't Make This Shit Up" File

The Daily Kos gives us one for the ages (again.)

First we get this statement:

"Vituperation Toxicity"

I'm not sure what that means, but that's what we're doing, according to Joe. From that Boehner/Lieberman civility conference I posted about in the linky thread:

Lieberman and Boehner both decried the harsh incivility in politics today while portraying themselves as paragons of independence and cordiality.

Lieberman described his own politics as "stand[ing] up for what I believe is right[ing] across party lines to get things done." As for the rest of politics, "The majority of people are sick of it. They think our political system is sick." Lieberman blamed "attack ads, the kind of divisiveness of the cable news coverage of politics, talk radio," and bloggers who "have added another dimension of vituperation toxicity to it."

This is immediately followed by this post:

Hi, Howard. You're a jackass and a dirty punk. Just sayin'.

Here's why:

On April 30, discussing former CIA director George Tenet's just-released book, At the Center of the Storm (HarperCollins), on Washington Post Radio, Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz asserted: "So what's interesting here is: This is no longer the liberal media saying this. This is no longer a bunch of journalists of questionable patriotism saying the Bush administration rushed to war; wanted to invade Iraq all along; didn't have a serious debate." Kurtz continued: "This is the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and I think, in some ways -- leaving his motivation aside -- he has validated the press accounts that we've seen about the way that this war unfolded."

Screw you, Kurtz.

Yeah. Lieberman's way off base.

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