Flooding in the Midwest has forced thousands to flee from their homes and one state's governor predicts damage could be in the billions of dollars. Several cities in Iowa have been particularly hard hit
Several readers have asked if this flooding is due in part to climate change. Short answer, yes, it could be a factor. A good analogy is that climate change and storm intensity are like loaded dice and rolling snake-eyes. You can't say that a specific storm, or roll, would not have occured [sic] had it not been for climate change, or loaded dice. Only that the frequency of intense storms, or snake eyes, is greater.
Scum bags one and all.
Don't believe me? Here is the rainfall patterns from 1979 to 2005 courtesy of those Right Wing villains at NASA:

The yellow and red areas are those of increasing rainfall during the period, blue and green decreasing.
Can you find North America on the map? Good. Now is it covered in red or blue? Blue you say! Well, then according to climatological research North America has been getting a little less precipitation not more during the period of "climate change".
But, of course the DK believes that everything, and I mean absolutely every freaking thing, is proof of "climate change" and science be damned.
In fact, they are now claiming, in effect, that anecdotal evidence should be given more sway than decades worth of climatological research. Remember, these are supposed to be the "reality" based people. Heh.
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