Put this in the
"priceless" category:
Electoral-Vote now has a map color-coded for which candidate does better against McCain.
Clinton does better than Obama in 6 states totalling 92 electoral votes.
Obama does better than Clinton in 15 states totalling 164 electoral votes.
Yeah!! Obama rules!!! Take THAT beaaaaaatch!!!!!
Oh, wait a second. Let's actually look at the website being referred to and what THEY say about the head-to-head matchups versus McCain. (I know, I know...that's just crazy talk on my part.)
First Obama:
For those scoring at home this adds to:
Obama: 243 ev
McCain: 269 ev
Tied: 26 ev
Now lets look at Clinton's map:
Clinton: 291 ev
McCain: 237 ev
Tied: 10 ev
I'm wondering what part of addition Kos fails to understand?
Let's look at it this way as well; let's look at who won the Democratic primary/caucus (DW = Democratic Winner) for each of the states and how that candidate is doing against McCain in the same state (GL = General election Leader).
Iowa: DW-Obama, GL-Obama
New Hampshire: DW-Clinton, GL-McCain
Nevada: DW-Clinton, GL-McCain
South Carolina: DW-Obama, GL-McCain
Alaska: DW-Obama, GL-McCain
Idaho: DW-Obama, GL-McCain
North Dakota: DW-Obama, GL-McCain
Delaware: DW-Obama, GL-Obama
Utah: DW-Obama, GL-McCain
New Mexico: DW-Clinton, GL-McCain
Kansas: DW-Obama, GL-McCain
Oklahoma: DW-Clinton, GL-McCain
Arkansas: DW-Clinton, GL-McCain
Connecticut: DW-Obama, GL-Obama
Alabama: DW-Obama, GL-McCain
Arizona: DW-Clinton, GL-McCain
Colorado: DW-Obama, GL-Obama
Tennessee: DW-Clinton, GL-McCain
Missouri: DW-Obama, GL-McCain
Minnesota: DW-Obama, GL-Obama
Georgia: DW-Obama, GL-McCain
Massachusetts: DW-Clinton, GL-Clinton
New Jersey: DW-Clinton, GL-Clinton
Illinois: DW-Obama, GL-Obama
New York: DW-Clinton, GL-Clinton
California: DW-Clinton, GL-Clinton
Nebraska: DW-Obama, GL-McCain
Louisiana: DW-Obama, GL-McCain
Washington: DW-Obama, GL-Obama
Maine: DW-Obama, GL-Obama
DC: DW-Obama, GL-Obama
Maryland: DW-Obama, GL-Obama
Virginia: DW-Obama, GL-McCain
Hawaii: DW-Obama, GL-Obama
Wisconsin: DW-Obama, GL-Obama
Vermont: DW-Obama, GL-Obama
Rhode Island: DW-Clinton, GL-Clinton
Ohio: DW-Clinton, GL-Clinton
Texas: DW-Clitnon, GL-McCain
Wyoming: DW-Obama, GL-McCain
Mississippi: DW-Obama, GL-McCain
Pennsylvania: DW-Clinton, GL-Clinton
McCain leads the preferred Democratic candidate in 22 of the states with a combined Electoral Vote of 183. The preferred Democratic candidate leads McCain in the other 20 for a combined Electoral Vote of 260.
Obama leads in 13 of the 27 states (48%) where he was the preferred candidate. These states have a combines Electoral Vote of 102 or 39% of the Democratic leaning total.
Clinton leads in 7 of the 15 states (47%) where she was the preferred candidate. These states have a combined Electoral Vote of 158 or 61% of the Democratic leaning total.
No matter which way you slice it the Clinton base is the better springboard to winning in November. Which is exactly why the Democrats will ultimately reject it.